Its a new year! which means i feel like i want to change up my blog a little bit when i first started out blogging i wasn't really well being me.. completely i lost sight a little bit of what i needed my blog to be. Of course i want to still have my blog fashion orientated because fashions is my whole LIFE! completely and totally. But me my self a little more. If you follow me on instagram i am a self confessed clothes hoarder hoarding anything from jewellery to shoes to my favourite vintage hats! and im not ashamed to say im a fur lover and anyone to follows me on instagram will know im a collector of vintage fur and vintage hats!
I also feel like i have so many thoughts lately. whether it be my recent job and how damn miserable a lot of the staff i worked with where. Or applying for the second time to the university of my dreams and wanting to get in so bloody badly it kills me! lying awake at night thinking up a second plan in-case i dont get in again this year. And then thinking what am i meant to be doing in life if im not meant to be dressing people and enjoying it as much and dressing everyday! its so confusing and all my many useless thoughts aren't put anywhere because im useless as writing diaries i start and always forget and then its usually pointless. So i thought maybe if i start blogging all my many useless thought and many many inspirations i have each day maybe some other people might share my views aswell! and i may not be the only one who feels compleely crazy with over creative ness! and i may discover other people who are as bad clothing hoarders as i am!
So today the 7th of January im feeling pretty inspired. For some reason since the new years ive changed strangely i never have a new years resolution because i never stick to it so i gave up on them around 5 years ago but ive been inspired to get rid of a whole load of old shoes and clothing even some hats which i have never worn but only to make room for more and more stuff! but at least im selling right?
I also got the advanced style documentary for Christmas and ive been so inspired by the amazing women. They remind me of my own gran who inspires me everyday and ive been spending a lot of time with her over the last few months and to be honest i feel she has made me a better person. Making me want to change my hoarding ways and start to sell of a lot of the things i dont wear and listen to her motto which is " when you buy something new, throw something out" which after years of her telling me im starting to finally listen to. As if ive been nagged so much ive started to take notice. But ive learned that you can learn so much from the older generation and i just hope i can be so wise as i get older.
But on a more fashion front ive been debating myself so much lately. I go up and down fashion wise im torn between my love of vintage and my inspiration from advanced style and older women. I have started to mix some more modern charity shop finds with my vintage pieces which im really liking. But my love of more modern jewellery mixing with my vintage is growing. Ive just been buying since the sales are on really large and eccetric looking jewellery such as necklaces and chunky bangles. And im really loving gold and oversized statement earrings lately. Alhough my ears are feeling the pain of wearing pierced! but i feel im descovering who i am and my style a lot more as the weeks and months go on! compared to when i started my fashion foundtion last year! when to be totally honest i didn really know who i was fashion wise. Like i would put outftits on and not relly think about it as much as i do now!
Valarie and Jean The idiosyncratic Fashionistas also started following me on my instagram page which made my week or month or possible made a few on my months :-) because im been completely infatuated with them for a long time. Adoring there love of style and there i dont give a shit if you dont like it attitude! which is completely me!
And im loving experimenting with jewellery. Finally getting my hands on some pieces from Anna Dello Russo's jewellery collection for h&m. Which i normally wouldn't wear and im glad im branching out from wearing everything authentic vintage.Im also learning that its okay to be different. And learning that im not strange or "sad" that fashion has become my whole life! whether its spending so long to get ready on a morning or going out to find new bargains. Im learning that its my thing and if i like that instead of going out drinking or spending money going out for lunch with friends im okay with that.
I think ive been starting to watch to many vintage movies lately like my personal Favorites "gentleman prefer blondes and "how to marry a millionaire" that has re ignited the flame of loving vintage again! seeing the furs and aw god the hats dont forget the hats!
I mean how can anyone possibly dislike that outfit! the muff the cape the hat the whole look is perfection
All images sourced from google images.